Opening a business account in Italy is not difficult, as long as you have all the required documents and information to hand. You can open an account at any of the major institutions in Italy, and most offer online financial services that make it easy for you to manage your finances from afar. In addition to opening a business account in Italy, you will also need personal checks so that your employees can be paid their wages and reimbursed for expenses incurred on behalf of the company during their time off work.
Open a business account in Italy through your company representative.
If you are opening a business account in Italy through your company representative, the process is quite simple. You will need to provide your company's details and personal details along with business details.
Your company representative will need your signature on some documents, so it's best if they have all of the information available before contacting the institution directly.
Go to the physical branch
Go to the branch personally taking along any documents you have been asked to submit. and apply to open an account.
You will need to bring with you your passport, and if you are a sole trader or partnership then also the registration certificate of your business. It is recommended that you call ahead and book an appointment with the branch representative as they may be busy during normal business hours. When speaking with the representative at the institution, they will ask what kind of account you want to open and how much money you want to deposit into it initially before opening it. Some business accounts require an initial deposit and the amount varies.
Open a business account in Italy from the UK
You can open a business account in Italy from the UK.
You will need to be at least 18 years of age, a resident of the UK, and have an Italian tax number and an address in Italy (or nearby). If you are not yet legally resident in Italy but plan to be, you may also try applying although in these cases the rejection probability may increase.
The business should also be registered with the local Commercial Register where applicable.

The best option yet? wamo
The account opening process in Italy can be more complicated than in many other countries but luckily some alternatives make it easier. You can open a business account with wamo from anywhere - registration takes 10 minutes and you can have a smart business account packed with useful tools and features up and running within 24 hours.

With your new account, everything else becomes easy including things like transferring money back home or paying suppliers overseas… To open a business account without even having to be in Italy (although who wouldn’t want an excuse to do just that!) register now with wamo.