Key terminologies in e-commerce

a year ago   •   .11 min read

.By İlayda Birol
.Table of contents

If you’re visiting our blog, you’re most likely a consumer of and very familiar with e-commerce and you probably use it daily. E-commerce, or electronic commerce, refers specifically to the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet – this might be through apps, websites or different online marketplaces. E-commerce has transformed the way we shop; it’s convenient, accessible and there are endless options!

There is a particular lingo related to e-commerce and it’s useful to know all the terminology, abbreviations and different nuances used in this world to be able to successfully operate your own e-commerce platform. E-commerce terminology plays a crucial role in facilitating clear and precise communication among professionals in the industry. Whether you are an e-commerce entrepreneur, a marketer, a logistics specialist, or a customer service representative, having a solid grasp of the common terminologies used in e-commerce is essential.

Familiarity with e-commerce terminology will help you work collaboratively and effectively within your company. You’ll be able to more easily communicate ideas, strategies, and requirements accurately and concisely.

This guide will give you a comprehensive understanding of the key terminologies relevant to e-commerce, empowering your e-commerce business to thrive!

To get started, let's begin with one of the fundamental pillars of online business: e-commerce business models.

E-commerce business models

In the world of e-commerce, various business models have emerged to cater to different market needs and customer segments.

One of the most common e-commerce business models is Business-to-Business (B2B). B2B e-commerce involves transactions and interactions between businesses. It enables businesses to sell their products or services to other businesses as their primary customers. In the B2B model, terms such as procurement, bulk orders, and supply chain management are commonly used.

Another prevalent model is Business-to-Consumer (B2C) e-commerce. In the B2C model, businesses sell their products or services directly to consumers. This model is often characterised by terms such as online storefronts, customer experience, and personalised marketing. Understanding consumer behavior and preferences plays a vital role in the success of B2C e-commerce businesses.

Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) e-commerce is another model worth exploring. C2C e-commerce facilitates transactions between individual consumers. Online marketplaces and classified platforms serve as intermediaries, allowing individuals to buy and sell products or services directly from one another. Terms such as user ratings, seller verification, and secure payment systems are often associated with C2C e-commerce.

Various eCommerce Business Models
Explore the eCommerce business models. Whether it’s B2B, B2C, or marketplace, learn how to thrive in the online world. Check out wamo blog.

Dropshipping has gained significant popularity as a business model within e-commerce. This model involves partnering with suppliers who handle inventory storage, packaging, and shipping directly to customers. Dropshipping businesses typically focus on marketing, customer acquisition, and providing an exceptional online shopping experience.

Marketplaces are another important e-commerce business model. Marketplaces serve as platforms that connect buyers and sellers, providing a wide range of products from various sellers in one place. Terms like seller fees, product listings, and customer reviews are common in marketplace e-commerce.

Subscription-based models have seen considerable growth in recent years. These models offer products or services on a recurring subscription basis, providing customers with convenience and continuous value. Terms such as recurring billing, customer retention, and subscription management are associated with subscription-based e-commerce.

Knowing about these different business models will help you choose the right approach for your online business and enable you to make informed decisions, tailor your business approach, and align your strategies with the specific requirements of your chosen business model.

Get acquainted with the essential key terms in e-commerce by reading our latest content on the wamo Blog.

Online store components and features

In the realm of e-commerce, an online store is the virtual gateway for businesses to showcase their products or services and facilitate customer transactions. Let's take a look at some of the terms associated with online store components.

Product listings refer to the detailed descriptions and information about the products or services available for purchase. These listings often include product images, specifications, pricing, and availability. A well-structured and informative product listing is crucial in attracting and engaging potential customers.

The shopping cart is a virtual container that allows customers to collect and manage their selected items before proceeding to checkout. It enables customers to review their chosen products, modify quantities, and calculate the total cost of their purchases. The shopping cart is a critical component of the online shopping experience, providing convenience and control for customers.

Checkout is the process through which customers finalise their purchases and provide the necessary information, such as shipping address and payment details. A smooth and user-friendly checkout experience is essential for minimising cart abandonment and ensuring successful transactions.

Moving on, let's explore the essential features of an online store.

Product descriptions are detailed explanations of the features, benefits, and specifications of a particular product. Compelling and accurate product descriptions help customers make informed purchasing decisions and enhance their overall shopping experience.

Product images play a crucial role in showcasing the visual aspects of the products. High-quality images that accurately represent the product's appearance from different angles are vital for capturing customer interest and building trust.

Customer reviews provide feedback and insights from previous customers who have purchased and used the product. They offer social proof and influence potential customers' purchase decisions. Positive reviews can boost credibility and increase conversion rates, while negative reviews can provide opportunities for improvement.

Cross-selling refers to suggesting related or complementary products to customers based on their current selections. For example, when purchasing a laptop, customers may be offered additional accessories or software. Cross-selling aims to increase the average order value and enhance customer satisfaction.

Upselling involves recommending a higher-priced or upgraded version of the product the customer is considering. It is a strategy to encourage customers to choose premium options or bundle additional features with their purchase. Upselling can lead to increased revenue and customer satisfaction.

Product bundling refers to combining multiple products or services together as a package deal. Bundles often offer cost savings and convenience to customers. For example, a camera, lens, and tripod sold together as a photography bundle. Product bundling encourages customers to purchase multiple items and can enhance the perceived value of the offer.

Once you know these terms associated with online store components and features, you’ll be able to incorporate well-defined product listings, a user-friendly shopping cart, and a seamless checkout process into your e-commerce business – enhancing the overall shopping experience and making your customers happy!

Payment and security terminology

In the world of e-commerce, payment and security are critical aspects that businesses must prioritise to ensure a safe and trustworthy online shopping experience for their customers.

Let's start by defining key payment-related terms. A payment gateway is an online service that enables businesses to securely process online transactions by connecting their website to the payment network. It facilitates the authorisation and transfer of funds from the customer's account to the merchant's account.

A merchant account is a type of bank account that allows businesses to accept payments from customers. It is essential for businesses to have a merchant account to receive and process online payments securely.

A chargeback occurs when a customer disputes a charge made on their credit or debit card and requests a refund from their card issuer. Chargebacks can be initiated for various reasons, including fraudulent transactions, delivery issues, or dissatisfaction with the product or service. Understanding how to handle chargebacks is crucial for managing disputes and maintaining positive customer relationships.

Moving on to security terminologies, SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a standard security protocol that establishes an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. It ensures that data transmitted between the two remains private and secure, protecting sensitive information such as credit card details and personal data.

Encryption is the process of converting data into a code to prevent unauthorised access during transmission. It scrambles the information, making it unreadable to anyone without the proper decryption key. Encryption is a fundamental security measure used to safeguard sensitive data in e-commerce transactions.

PCI compliance refers to adherence to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). It is a set of security standards designed to protect cardholder data and prevent fraud. Compliance with PCI standards helps businesses ensure the security of customer payment information and maintain the trust of their customers and payment card issuers.

In the realm of fraud prevention, several terms are essential to understand. AVS (Address Verification System) is a security measure that verifies the billing address provided by the customer during a transaction. It helps validate the authenticity of the cardholder's information and reduces the risk of fraudulent activity.

CVV (Card Verification Value) is a three- or four-digit code printed on credit or debit cards. It serves as an additional security measure, ensuring that the person making the transaction has physical possession of the card.

3D Secure is an extra layer of security for online credit and debit card transactions. It adds an authentication step where the cardholder needs to enter a password or a one-time verification code. This helps verify the identity of the cardholder and reduces the risk of unauthorised card usage.

Understanding and implementing these payment-related and security terminologies are crucial for building customer trust, safeguarding sensitive information, and preventing fraudulent activities in e-commerce transactions.

Logistics and order fulfilment

To keep your customers happy you’ll need to make sure that you have super efficient logistics and order fulfillment processes in place. The definitions below will help give you a clearer idea of how to go about this.

Let's begin by defining logistics terms. A fulfilment center is a warehouse or facility where products are stored, processed, and prepared for shipment. It serves as a central hub for order fulfillment operations, including receiving inventory, picking and packing orders, and preparing shipments.

Warehousing refers to the storage and management of inventory within a facility. It involves organising products, optimising space utilisation, and implementing inventory management systems to ensure efficient order fulfilment.

Inventory management involves tracking and controlling the quantity, availability, and movement of products within a business. It encompasses activities such as stock replenishment, demand forecasting, and monitoring inventory levels to prevent stockouts or excess inventory.

Moving on to order fulfillment terms, pick and pack is the process of selecting items from the inventory, assembling them into individual orders, and packaging them for shipment. It involves accurately picking the correct products and packing them securely and appropriately for delivery.

Shipping carriers are companies that transport packages and shipments from the fulfillment center to the customer's location. They provide various shipping options, such as ground, air, or expedited shipping, to meet different delivery needs.

Tracking numbers are unique codes assigned to each shipment, allowing customers and businesses to track the progress and location of the package during transit. Tracking numbers provide visibility and transparency, ensuring customers can monitor the status of their orders.

In addition to fulfilment and shipping, understanding terms related to returns, exchanges, and customer service is essential. Returns refer to the process of customers sending back products to the business due to issues such as product defects, incorrect items, or dissatisfaction. Exchanges involve replacing or swapping a product for another variant or model based on customer requests.

Customer service encompasses the support and assistance provided to customers before, during, and after the purchase process. It involves addressing customer inquiries, resolving issues, and providing a positive experience throughout their interaction with the business.

By understanding and implementing these terms and concepts effectively, your business can ensure timely and accurate order processing, streamlined shipping, and exceptional customer experiences.

Digital marketing and customer acquisition

Digital marketing is a vital component of any successful e-commerce business, driving customer acquisition and revenue growth. This chapter focuses on defining key terms related to digital marketing channels, exploring customer acquisition metrics, and understanding essential terms in email marketing.

Digital Marketing Jargon You Have to Learn Before
Get ready to speak the language of digital marketing! Learn essential jargon before talking to a digital marketing agency. Read on wamo blog

Digital marketing channels:

Digital marketing channels encompass various online platforms and strategies used to promote products or services. Let's define some key terms related to digital marketing channels:

SEO (Search Engine Optimization): The practice of optimising a website and its content to rank higher in organic (non-paid) search engine results. It involves improving website visibility and attracting targeted traffic through strategic keyword usage, content optimization, and other optimization techniques.

PPC (Pay-per-click): An online advertising model where advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. It typically involves bidding on keywords or targeting specific demographics, and ads are displayed on search engines or other platforms. Examples include Google Ads and social media advertising.

SEM (Search Engine Marketing): A broader term that encompasses both SEO and PPC. SEM focuses on using search engines to drive website traffic, visibility, and conversions. It involves utilising both organic (SEO) and paid (PPC) strategies to optimize search engine results.

Enhance your e-commerce knowledge with our in-depth exploration of key terminologies, featured on the wamo Blog.

Customer acquisition metrics:

Customer acquisition refers to the process of attracting and converting new customers. Let's explore some important terms in customer acquisition metrics:

CTR (Click-through rate): The percentage of people who click on a specific link or ad compared to the number of impressions it receives. It measures the effectiveness of an ad or call-to-action in generating clicks.

Conversion rate: The percentage of website visitors who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase, filling out a form, or subscribing to a newsletter. It indicates the effectiveness of a marketing campaign or website in converting visitors into customers.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): The predicted net profit generated from a customer over the duration of their relationship with a business. CLV helps businesses understand the long-term value of acquiring and retaining customers.

Email marketing terms:

Email marketing is a powerful tool for customer engagement, nurturing leads, and driving conversions. Here are some essential terms in email marketing:

Open rate: The percentage of email recipients who open an email compared to the total number of emails delivered. It measures the effectiveness of subject lines and the overall appeal of an email.

Click-through rate: The percentage of email recipients who click on a link within an email. It indicates the level of engagement and interest generated by the email content.

Segmentation: The practice of dividing an email list into smaller, targeted groups based on specific criteria such as demographics, behavior, or purchase history. Segmentation allows businesses to deliver personalised and relevant email content, increasing engagement and conversions.

Mastering e-commerce language for success

In order to thrive in the dynamic online business landscape, your e-commerce business needs to run efficiently and stand out from the crowd. The terminologies referred to in this guide should equip you with the knowledge to communicate effectively, make informed decisions, and navigate the intricacies of e-commerce.

To stay ahead, it is important to continually update your knowledge on evolving terms and concepts. By staying informed and adapting to changes, your business will be able to leverage new technologies and trends to drive business growth.

Mastering e-commerce language empowers us to optimise operations and drive growth. Let this guide be the foundation for a deeper understanding of e-commerce terminology, inspiring continuous learning and effective communication in the ever-evolving world of e-commerce.


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