Sales & marketing business terms

a year ago   •   .3 min read

.By Ilayda Birol
.Table of contents

A/B testing

Testing two versions of your product (version A and version B) to see which one performs better.


Data, such as customer feedback and sales reports, that is consulted in the development of marketing strategies.


The bottom of the sales funnel is where a consumer is most likely to purchase an item.

Bounce rate

How often visitors land on your website, only to bounce off again without interacting with it.


A product, identity or image that differentiates your business from other brands and makes consumers aware of it.

Buyer persona

What type of person is likely to buy your products or services.


A content management system is a collection of software programs that coordinate and automate the creation, publication, distribution, maintenance and optimisation of digital content.

Conversion rate

The percentage of people who take a desired action, such as purchasing a product or signing up for your newsletter.


Cost per lead refers to a company's average marketing cost for acquiring (or "generating") inquiries from potential customers.


Customer relationship management (CRM) is a term that refers to software that helps you organise your marketing activity.


Click-through rate tells you how many people are moving through your website and clicking on the link to investigate or purchase a product or service.


Demographics are statistics that describe the people who buy your products and services, such as age, sex, income level (or range), family status.

Digital marketing

Marketing conducted exclusively on the internet.


Content that is relevant to a consumer and keeps its value even in the face of changing trends.


Any aspect of your image, brand, product or website that causes friction with consumers.

Inbound marketing

Digital marketing, which includes podcasts, videos, email broadcasts and social media.


A combination of words and images to make complex information easy to understand.

Market penetration

The measure of the degree to which a product's sales volume is larger than would be expected for that product, given its competitors' sales volumes.

Market research

The process of collecting information about consumers’ needs and preferences in order to provide them with products or services that will meet their requirements.


A company's efforts to advertise and sell its products or services.

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The middle of the funnel is where you position your business as an answer to the consumer's problem.

Niche market

A small subgroup of a larger market audience.


Pay-per-click advertising is advertising on the internet where you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

Sales funnel

The entire sales process, from beginning to end.


Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of improving a website's ranking in a search engine's index by increasing its visibility.


Top of the Funnel refers to the earliest stages of a sales funnel, where customers are still trying to find solutions for their problems.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

A key selling point for your product or service, which makes it different from similar offerings by other companies.

User experience

The totality of a user's experience with your brand, from the moment they first hear about it until long after they've stopped using its products.


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