5 Benefits of Email Marketing for Small Businesses

a year ago   •   .11 min read

.By İlayda Birol
.Table of contents

While social media has been stealing the limelight, there's one thing that remains invaluable and can work wonders for small businesses like yours - it's email marketing!

Email marketing in 2023 may sound silly, if  64% of small businesses successfully use email marketing to reach customers, it’s worth considering!

It's evident that email marketing has become a powerful and cost-effective strategy over the years. Through the smart use of email marketing you can engage with your audience on a personal level, build lasting relationships and drive conversions on the spot. It's basically a digital lifeline that can help your business get a better turnover and stay fresh in the fierce competition. We urge you to take email journey planning seriously!

So, we’ve accumulated a list of ways that email marketing can help businesses grow.

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So, Wait...What's Email Marketing Again?

It's a form of direct marketing where businesses can send targeted emails to a group of target audiences or individuals. It's a way for businesses to communicate and discuss their offerings with their clients.

Think of it this way - it's a virtual bridge that communicates directly to your audience. However, the term is usually used for specific activities which share valuable information like company updates, promotions, newsletters, special sales and more.

The one really great thing about email marketing is that it's an inexpensive way of marketing your products. With a well-laid plan (also known as an ‘email journey’), you can create personalised and tailored content, keep your audience interested in your products, tell stories that can invite subscriptions and nurture relationships.

Let's explore the five benefits of email marketing that can give your small business a competitive edge in the UK market.

5 Top Benefits of Email Marketing

You must have often overheard employees discussing how email marketing is dead and so many marketing departments are concerned about it. Well, that's simply not true. Email marketing is still very much at the centre of most businesses. In fact, 87% of B2B marketers say email is one of their top free organic distribution channels. This is why it is critical to create a solid email marketing strategy.

Increased Reach and Targeted Audience

Email marketing opens up a broader reach to potential customers - while giving you a direct line of communication with those who have shown interest in your business. One can simply create an email list based on demographics, interests or buying habits. This is the job of your marketer and sales team. Once you have a list, you can glean a few personalised and interesting messages that connect with your audience and speak to their specific needs and preferences.

Budget Savvy Hero

Email marketing is that budget-savvy hero who won't drain your business account. Unlike print, paid or TV ads, email marketing can help in getting the best bang for your buck and get a higher return on investment (ROI). Plus, thanks to the easily available email marketing platforms and tools like Hubspot and Mailchimp, you can create eye-catching and professional campaigns without spending a lot from your pocket. These platforms help with detailed analytics, automation features, audience segmentation, campaign design ideas and a lot more for you to experiment with!

Increased Website Traffic and Conversions

You can rev up your website traffic and boost conversions with an effective email strategy. Craft a strategic email campaign with specific CTAs (calls to action which usually appear as buttons readers can click on) links to your offers and direct recipients straight to your landing pages. These pages have your product offerings, amazing promotions and all the brand information. This targeted traffic is more likely to convert into leads or sales which can push your business growth.

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Better leads by tossing out the duds

In the same way that email marketing can help you raise sales, it can also help to increase leads. In reality, email marketing is a great inbound marketing technique that can help with leads and conversions. Picture this: You're going through the digital realm, stumble upon a lead magnet on a website, and decide to subscribe to it because you liked it so much!

Suddenly, a series of drip emails start flowing into your inbox. After a few days of knowing about the company's products and benefits, you decide to schedule a demo call with them. In that very moment, you've transformed from a marketing-qualified lead (MQL) to a sales-qualified lead (SQL). Email marketing helps the sales team sift through the prospects, saving precious time by tossing out the bad leads. You can even track whether those leads are opening your emails and clicking those links.

Increasing leads

Now, one thing that's quite irresistible about email marketing is its accuracy to reach the right people. Since every professional checks their email on a regular basis, email marketing bears less risk of getting ignored. Through regular email communication, you can provide valuable content, share industry insights, offer tips and advice, showcase your expertise and eventually shoot your shot to make that sale!

Measurable Results and Data Insights

One of the great advantages of email marketing is the ability to track and measure your campaign's performance. You can monitor metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates. This data provides valuable insights into what resonates with your audience, allowing you to refine and optimise your future email campaigns for better results. If you're crunching those numbers and regularly calculating your ROI, you're in for a sweet reward. In fact, you're 1.6 times more likely to score some serious budget increases for your marketing activities

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Tips for Email Marketing for Small Business Owners

As a small business owner, you often have a limited budget to spend on marketing. And, so it's natural that you would want the best bang for your buck. Based on this assumption, we have accumulated some top tips for implementing - something that you can use to maximise your income and get the best ROI on what you have spent.

  1. Build a Quality Email List: Email marketing is all about the quality of your email list. Seek out people who are willing to invest in your product or service. Now, give them a crystal clear opportunity to opt in, whether it is on your website, social media or even good old in-person meetings. Also, keep in mind that quality over quantity - because a small but mighty list of fans beats a huge list of snoozers.
  2. Personalise Your Emails: Now it's time to get a little personal. Of course, don't go overboard - but create a brand message that allows your audience into who you are and what your business is in an authentic, human-centred way. Use merge tags to insert recipients' names and suggest your email list based on details of demographics, location, or their past purchase sprees. Personalisation is the secret sauce that makes your customers feel connected to your business.
  3. Craft Compelling Subject Lines: Your subject line is the gateway to getting your emails opened. Create intriguing, concise, and compelling subject lines that entice recipients to click and discover what's inside. Avoid spammy or clickbait-like subject lines, as they can harm your credibility and deliverability.
  4. Create Engaging Content: Fill up your emails with valuable and engaging content that leaves your audience excited for more. Provide a useful blend of valuable information, industry insights, promotions that resonate with your readers and it’s ok to be purely entertaining every once in a while too. Don't forget to include an interesting mix of images and text. This saves your hard-planned content from getting boring. Remember attention spans are limited!
  5. Mobile-Optimise Your Emails: Since most people check their emails on their mobiles, it's important to get your marketing plan mobile-friendly. You can whip those email templates available to shape up your content, make it legible and create seamless navigation. Once you have those things in place, it's way easier to get your audience glued to your marketing tactics.
  6. Include Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Every email should have a clear and prominent call-to-action. Whether it's a "Shop Now" button, a "Learn More" link, or a "Book Now" option, guide your recipients towards the desired action. Make your CTA visually appealing and use persuasive language to encourage clicks.
  7. Maintain Consistency and Frequency: Strive for consistency in your email marketing. Regularly sending emails helps you stay on top of mind with your audience. However, be mindful not to overwhelm them with excessive emails. Find a frequency that strikes the right balance and aligns with your business goals.
  8. Monitor Deliverability and Compliance: Stay up to date with email deliverability best practices and anti-spam regulations. Ensure your emails comply with GDPR or other applicable data protection laws. Monitor your email deliverability rates and take the necessary steps to maintain a good sender reputation.
Maximize your small business growth with email marketing: Explore 5 key benefits in our informative blog post.

How to Use Email Marketing

Using email marketing effectively involves several key steps. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use email marketing for your small business:

Set Clear Goals: Define your objectives for email marketing

  • Are you aiming to drive sales, increase website traffic, nurture leads, or enhance customer engagement?
  • Establishing clear goals will guide your email marketing strategy.

Choose an Email Marketing Service: Select a reputable email marketing service provider that suits your needs and budget.

  • Popular options include Mailchimp, Klaviyo and Hubspot
  • These platforms offer features like email templates, list management, automation, and analytics.

Build Your Email List: Start growing your email list by providing opt-in opportunities on your website, blog, social media profiles, and offline interactions.

  • Offer valuable incentives such as exclusive content, discounts, or freebies to encourage sign-ups.
  • Ensure compliance with data protection regulations and obtain consent from subscribers.

Segment Your Email List: Divide your email list into targeted segments based on

  • Demographics, interests, purchase history, or engagement levels.
  • Segmenting allows you to send more personalised and relevant emails, increasing the chances of engagement and conversions.

Design Eye-Catching Templates: Create visually appealing email templates that align with your brand identity.

  • Ensure your templates are mobile-responsive, easy to read, and visually appealing across different devices and email clients.

Automate Email Campaigns: Leverage automation features to streamline your email marketing efforts.

  • Set up automated welcome emails, drip campaigns, welcome emails or cart reminders to boost leads and re-engage customers.
  • Automation saves time and delivers timely messages to your audience.

Test and Optimise: Of course, test different elements of email campaigns, such as

  • Subject lines, CTAs, visuals, and email copy.
  • Use A/B testing to compare the performance of different versions and optimise your campaigns based on the results.

Monitor Metrics and Analytics: Track key email metrics like open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates.

  • Analyse the data to gain insights into your campaign's performance and make data-driven decisions to improve future campaigns.
Boost your small business success: Learn the 5 advantages of email marketing in our engaging blog.

How to Set up an Email Campaign: Ask Yourself These Questions Before Getting Started

What is the campaign objective?

Define the purpose of your email campaign. Are you promoting a new product, sharing valuable content, announcing an event, or re-engaging inactive customers? Clearly identify your campaign's objective to ensure focused and effective messaging.

Who is your target audience?

Determine the specific segment of your email list that will receive this campaign. Consider demographics, interests, or past interactions with your business. Tailoring your content to a specific audience means there is more chance of engagement and conversion.

What is your key message?

Craft a clear and concise message that aligns with your campaign objective. Determine the primary information or call-to-action you want to communicate to your audience. Keep it compelling and relevant to capture their attention.

What is the optimal timing?

Consider the best time and day to send your email campaign. Think about when your audience is most likely to check their emails and be receptive to your message. Test different send times to determine the optimal timing for higher engagement.

How will you design your email?

Decide on the visual layout and design of your email. Choose a template or create a custom design that reflects your brand and supports your campaign objective. Make sure the email is visually appealing, easy to read, and mobile-friendly.

What compelling content will you include?

Plan the content that will resonate with your audience and drive them to take action. Whether it's an enticing offer, valuable information, or a captivating story, ensure your content is engaging, personalised, and aligned with your campaign objective.

What is your call-to-action (CTA)?

Determine the desired action you want recipients to take after reading your email. Whether it's making a purchase, signing up for an event, or visiting your website, make your CTA clear, prominent, and compelling. Use persuasive language and buttons to guide your audience.

How will you measure success?

Track and measure your success through metrics like open rate, click rate and conversions. This way, you at least know what strategies to follow and which ones to toss out of your plan. Set benchmarks and goals to measure the success of your campaign. If you want an in-depth analysis you can also sync your email account with Google Analytics.

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Did You Know - Email Marketing Has the Highest ROI

Well, here's something that might encourage you to consider email marketing - Email marketing is the reigning champion of ROI. This renowned channel has been far from dead and now is kicking and coming in more alive than ever.

Email marketing is not just a little better, but a whopping 40% more effective at converting than other strategies out there. And here's where it gets seriously mind-blowing: for every $1 you invest, businesses like yours are seeing an average return of a whopping $36. Yes, you heard it right. That's an almost unbelievable 3,600% ROI. Impressive right?

So when you are mapping out your digital marketing strategy, remember that this strategy is not just impressive but also quite an investment for your business.

Simply get started!

Despite the occasional whispers of its conventional nature, email marketing continues to prove its worth and effectiveness. With its high return on investment, direct and personalised communication, and ability to drive website traffic and conversions, email marketing holds a special place in the hearts of successful marketers.
We hope this guide was helpful in getting you started! Remember it's never too late to invest your money in the right places. So, get ready to engage, convert, and grow your business with the mighty force of email marketing. Liked this guide? Keep exploring more ways to grow your business with wamo’s regular guides here!


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